Monday, August 12, 2013

Free Ligands - The Calcilytic Agent NPS2143, a Calcium-Sensing Receptor Modulator

We recently synthesised a significant quantity of the calcilytic ligand NPS2143 for our research programme on G protein-coupled receptors. NPS2143 is a negative allosteric modulator of the human calcium-sensing receptor and as such an important pharmacological tool compound. Recently, we developed and published a synthesis of optically pure NPS2143 in Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry (Open access journal that you should check out).
Anyway, now we have come to realise that we have a lot of this compound on the shelf that we are highly unlikely to ever use. So the idea to simply give the compound away to anyone that needs some free high quality NPS2143 popped up. So here we go! If you would like 5 mg of optically pure NPS2143 and you can fulfil the requirements below we will ship it to you:
  • You are an employee at an academic institution (Associate or Full Professor)
  • You will only use the compound for non-profit academic research purposes. Please provide a brief description (will be treated confidentially)
  • You can pay the shipment costs by courier (alternatively we will ship it by regular mail)
  • You will be kind enough to cite our paper "Synthesis of the calcilytic compound NPS 2143" if you ever publish a paper were you have used it

Please email Associate Professor Daniel Sejer Pedersen at if you are interested.

NPS2143 is by no means the only interesting compound we have sitting on the shelf and if this turns out to be a success we will definitely offer more free compounds. Let's see what happens. D!


  1. Totally unrelated to your blog post, but I just wanted to say that it's good to see new posts on your blog again. Looking forward to more exciting stuff in here..
