Friday, December 27, 2013

Curly Arrow - Established 18th October 2006

It really is becoming the rule rather than the exception that I forget Curly Arrow's birthday. Its been running for 7 years now and as always here are some stats on the year that has passed. As you can see the lack of new posts really isn't deterring people from using all the info posted here over the years (Although visitor numbers are in decline for the first time). Hopefully I can squeeze a few post out in between everything else in 2014. D! 

From 18th October 2012 to 18th October 2013:
Absolute unique visitors: 36,032
Total visits: 42,428 ( 116 visits/day)
Page views: 68,627
Average time on site: 2:24 min
Top 10 most frequent visitors identifiable:
(1) University of California San Diego
(2) Oxford University
(3) Universite de Liege
(4) Johannes Gutenberg-Iniversitaet Mainz
(5) The Scripps Research Institute
(6) University of Cambridge
(7) University of California Irvine
(8) Stanford University
(9) ETH Zürich
(10) Columbia University
Top 10 countries that visit the blog:
(1) United States
(2) United Kingdom
(3) India
(4) Germany
(5) Canada
(6) Australia
(7) Japan
(8) Denmark
(9) France
(10) Netherlands


  1. I miss the relatively frequent posts. They were always full of great info and I'd check maybe once every week to see if something new had been written. You should definately make more of an effort to write more posts!

  2. More posts please!

    I have thoroughly enjoyed those so far, and the knowledge learned from the information you provide is massive. The pictures are nice too!

  3. I regret the lack of posts here. After becoming a supervisor/group leader I virtually do no experimental work anymore so I don't get the frequent ideas for posts that I used to. Moreover, I have a lot obligations these days so when I finally have some time off I do 100% non-chemistry related stuff. Anyway, based on the many, many emails I have received the last couple of years asking for more posts I have decided to try an experiment in 2014. I will ask my students to write posts (with my help). It would be a good opportunity for them to practice their writing skills and may give Curly Arrow a revival. Let's see how it works out, D!


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