I do not do Click Chemistry or even Click Reactions but I like the overall concept and I fulfil about half of the Click Chemistry commandments in my daily research.
Most chemists have no idea what Click Chemistry really is and think making a triazole makes you a Click Chemist. This is incorrect and many papers are published with Click Chemistry in the title even though it isn't Click Chemistry! Click Chemistry is not a specific reaction it is a concept. Here's a condensed version of rules you have to fulfil to become a Click Chemist.:
The reaction must be:
(1) modular
(2) wide in scope
(3) give very high yields
(4) generate only inoffensive byproducts
(5) stereopecific
The process must be:
(6) simple reaction conditions
(7) readily available starting materials and reagents
(8) use no solvent or a solvent that is benign or easily removed
(9) simple product isolation by non-chromatographic methods
Sharpless published an excellent paper introducing the concept
Click Chemistry: Diverse Chemical Function from a Few Good Reactions, H.C. Kolb, M.G. Finn and K.B. Sharpless, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2001, 40, pp. 2004-2021.