Sunday, December 23, 2007
Christmas decorations for chemists
Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year people. No more posting this year. See you in 2008 and thanks for all the interesting and very encouraging emails. D!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Colourful Chemistry

What makes the chemistry I'm doing now even greater is that it has colour whilst still being organic chemistry.
And how about this product from another reaction? Initially I assumed that the product was impure but what do you know it's supposed to like like this.
In your face inorganic chemists! Can anyone guess what I made? It is a classic reaction taught in first year university organic chemistry. It's nice to see the chemistry I have been teaching undergraduates is useful and actually works in the lab. D!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Compound Characterisation in Industry

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Low Vacuum Manifold
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Curly Arrow update

I'd like to thank people for the many emails I get with interesting questions and requests for paper reprints. Thanks for taking an interest. Curly Arrow has now been running for 1 year and seems to be a fairly popular blog (see some stats below). I've even reached the point where people are offering me money to place adds on the blog (You have to pay a lot more guys if you even want me to reply to those emails) and I have been blessed with lots of spam comments linking to porn sites (the pinnacle of my career). I almost clicked on cucumber sex to see what cucumber variety would be employed. D!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Authors - alphabetical vs. by contribution

Thursday, September 27, 2007
NMR tube cleaner

Friday, September 21, 2007
Authors - who goes on the paper and why?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Pay Rise Cake
Banana and Chocolate Cake aka Pay Rise Cake [Serves many, 20+]
Flour (500 g)
Sugar (500 g)
Quick oats (50 g)
Butter (300 g)
5 x 50 g eggs
8 ripe bananas (ca 700-800 g when peeled)
Skim milk (150 ml)
Vanilla sugar (5 tsp)
Baking powder (5 tsp)
Salt (3 tsp)
Dark chocolate (300 g, Don't be a cheap skate and use good stuff. For example Lindt 70%)
(1) Melt the butter - do not reflux
(2) Beat the sugar with the melted butter
(3) Add the eggs (not the shells) and beat
(4) Add milk and bananas (mash the bananas first) and beat
(5) Add flour, quick oats, vanilla sugar, baking powder and salt and beat
(6) Chop some of the chocolate (200 g) and mix it with the dough (don't beat it at this stage)
(7) Transfer the dough to a large baking tray (eg. 30 x 30 x 5 cm) and bake in the centre of the oven at 180 oC for 40-45 minutes. When the dough doesn't stick to a metal object it is finished (you basically insert a metal object such as a knife into the cake and check if anything is sticking to the knife). It is a good idea to check on the cake after 30 minutes as ovens vary greatly in performance. The cake approximately doubles in size depending on the baking powder used.
(8) When the cake has cooled to room temperature cover it with a thin layer of melted chocolate. You have to be careful when melting the chocolate. First chop it up (100 g) then put it in a suitable container (eg beaker) and melt it using a hot water bath whilst stirring. Do NOT add water, milk or anything else. Simply use good quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content and you are in business.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Retraction - Azepinoazepine or Viologen?

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Behold cyclohexane!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Interesting work by Ganesh and Jayaraman at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. D!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Oxepane Nucleic Acids - Part II
In the preivious post I gave the Tm data for homo-adenine and homo-thymine Oxepane Nucelic Acids (ONA) and it was quite clear that the low melting temperatures renders ONA useless from a pharmaceutical point of view. However, as I said it has a high stability in serum and activates RNase H. To date only very few oligonucleotide analogues have activated RNase H. The authors seem to be of the opinion that only four RNase H activating oligonucleotide (ON) analogues have been reported to date. However, they seem to forget the very first and most famous analogue - Phosphorus monothioates (PS). PS have been well known since the early 80s and ISIS Pharmaceuticals tried deveoloping drugs based on this class of analogues for a loooong time (they may still be doing so for all that I know). Anyway, let's have a look at the chemistry. They choose a somewhat surprising starting material and do a very funky Vorbrüggen coupling. I've never seen anything quite like it (notice the counterintuitive stereochemical outcome). Very impressive although the yields are poor.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Oxepane Nucleic Acids - Part I

(a) Inhibit the translation to protein by physically blocking the RNA strand making it impossible for ribosomes to translate it
(b) Activate the enzyme RNase H that specifically targets DNA-RNA duplexes and only degrades the RNA strand.
A lot of people in the field believe that antisense can only work effectively with RNase H activation and I tend to agree. The cell is amazingly efficient at making RNA and translating it to protein so if you have to get stoichiometric amounts of antisense ON to RNA into the cell you are likely to have a problem. The beauty with RNase H activation is that the system is catalytic. In other words the antisense ON gets released after RNA degradation and moves on to the next victim. The problem is that you cannot use regular DNA for antisense purposes as it has a very short half life in serum (~15 minutes). So you have to devise an analogue that is stable in serum, has high affinity towards RNA and activates RNase H. Now obviously this is no easy feat so why bother? The (theoretical) advantages when compared to traditional protein targeting drugs are:
(a) Complete selectivity only for the intended target
(b) You can target anything involving RNA
(c) The chemistry is the same every time. You just have to figure out what the sequence of your target is and synthesise the required ON
(d) Getting drugs to market is rapid because drug development is significantly faster
Obviously, things are much more complicated than this. Antisense was the big thing in the 80s. It was going to cure everything within the next decade but the reality is that only one product has made it to market. It's an ON called Vitravene (ISIS Pharmaceuticals) that prevents AIDS patients from going blind by targeting cytomegalovirus retinitis. That said a lot of advances have been made and there are numerous antisense ON in late stage clinical trials. Anyway, after this super condensed course in antisense ON I think we are ready for the actual paper. I'll let you off the hook for now. The next post should be up in a couple of days. D!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Still breathing

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
The Return of Dylan Stiles

Monday, June 04, 2007
Asymmetric synthesis of vinylcyclopropanes

Friday, June 01, 2007
You're fired
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The Mannich Reaction revisited

Now Erkkila and Pihko are quite concerned about reaction times because they are thinking of industry applications. However, for the average chemist that does a lot of work overnight (whilst at home in bed) it isn't essential that it's done in 1 hour. We found that if you do these reactions overnight no heating is required and the products are of very high purity. Very clean reactions indeed. Here's four examples from the paper:
As it turns out the chemistry works really well for most systems using catalyst 1. However, some aldehydes require catalyst 2 to give a good result, eg. entries 3 and 4. The only compounds tested in this paper that failed completely were aldehydes that exist predominantly in a hemiacetal form, eg. 5-hydroxy-valeraldehyde. So there you have it. Maybe something you should consider giving a go next time it's alpha-methylenation time. D!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Chemistry Blogs

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Revenge of the NMR tube

Friday, May 04, 2007
Tethered aminohydroxylations Donohoe stylie
(1) Donohoe et al., Chem Comm, 2001, pp 2078-2079 (DOI: 10.1039/b107253f)
TA of acyclic, allylic carbamates using tert-butyl hypochlorite as the reoxidant with 4 mol% osmium. Yields ranging from 41 to 61%. Here's a really nice example with a diene:

(2) Donohoe et al., JACS, 2002, pp 12934-12935 (DOI: 10.1021/ja0276117)
TA of cyclic, allylic carbamates using tert-butyl hypochlorite as the reoxidant with 4 mol% osmium. Yields ranging from 50 to 83%. Works for 6,7 and 8-membered rings but only 5-membered rings with exocyclic double bonds undergo aminohydroxylation. Here's another nice example making a protected amino-sugar:

(3) Donohoe et al., Org. Lett., 2004, pp 2583-2585 (DOI: 10.1021/ol049136i)
TA of chiral acyclic, allylic carbamates using tert-butyl hypochlorite as the reoxidant with 4 mol% osmium. Yields ranging from 57 to 74% with excellent syn-selectivity. Some very impressive examples of TA reactions in this paper, for example:

(4) Donohoe et al., JACS, 2006, pp 2514-2515 (DOI: 10.1021/ja057389g)

So it took about 6 years to develop this methodology to the point where I believe it will start finding wide spread use in synthesis. I'm itching to try one of these for myself and I'm desperately looking for an excuse. If anyone has tried running some of these Donohoe TAs I would very much like to hear any comments - is it really as good as it looks on paper? D!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Friday, April 20, 2007
Tempo Oxidations Part II

Monday, April 16, 2007
Fun with singlet oxygen

Reactions of this type generally work quite well giving yields in the 40-70% range and since dienes are easily accessible using classic Wittig chemistry we consider making endoperoxides quite trivial. So why was I making this particular endoperoxide? Well if I told you I would have to kill you. There should be a paper coming out later this year featuring amongst others this particular endoperoxide turning into a supa cool cyclopropane in one (yes one) synthetic step so keep your eyes open for that paper. Some of you are probably wondering what Rose Bengal is. Behold the halogenated beast:We tend to use the bis-triethyl ammonium salt (as shown) because it is nicely soluble in organic solvents such as dichloromethane. D!