Have you ever noticed how the dry ice scoop or any other communal scoop for that matter just disappears after a while? Where do the scoops go? Is there a secret valley in Africa where the scoops got to die? Anyway, there is a simple and environmentally benign way to produce personal scoops in abundance. All you need is a Stanley knife and an empty appropriately sized plastic container. The type of container used for storing inorganic salts such as sodium sulfate and the like is usually ideal. Basically you just cut the container to produce your own scoop perfectly designed for your requirements. It's free, it's homemade and it's yours! Go make one you know you want to. D!

Yep, we've got quite a few of them in 318 - very useful. You can even up the anti to a Silica Tub - 1kg beast. You can get 1/2kg of card-ice in one of those boys, but it is a little unwieldy!
What you need now is a parallel, high-throughput scooping system. I'll take two.
I should of patented this system.
Damn it, i thought I invented those.
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